In this webinar, Nicky will discuss the background of changing hormones over the menstrual cycle and how this relates to physiological changes and wellbeing.
She explores how to distinguish physiological changes to those physical and psychological symptoms that interfere with everyday function, from premenstrual syndrome (PMS) to premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).
The classification of the different types of PMS (core and variant) will be presented, as well as how to diagnose PMDD. The underlying biopsychosocial aetiology of PMS and PMDD, with a focus on hormonal mechanisms will be discuss.
The webinar will then turn to the progressive management strategies for PMS and PMDD, from lifestyle to medical (hormonal and non-hormonal), surgical and psychological/psychiatric support for PMDD.

Nicky Keay
BA, MA, MB, BChir (Cantab), MRCP
Nicky is an Honorary Clinical Lecturer, Division of Medicine, University College London. She lectures and researches in areas of exercise endocrinology, with publications in this field.
Nicky’s clinical endocrine work is mainly with active women, exercisers, dancers and athletes, with a focus on relative energy deficiency in sport (REDs) and those navigating perimenopause/menopause. Nicky works to provide a more personalised approach for female hormone health. Nicky authored the British Association of Sports and Exercise Medicine online resource.
Nicky is the medical advisor to Scottish Ballet and author of “Health Hormones and Human Potential: A guide to understanding your hormones to optimise your health and performance”.
Nicky is currently working with colleagues at University College London, backed by leading women’s health organisations, to develop a UK menopause support programme InTune.