
1 hour
Womens health
Publish Date
20 February 2017
01 | 18 December 2023 |
About this Course
To enable women requesting contraception and enable them to make informed choices about managing their fertility.
Jadelle® is a long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) initially approved for use in the US in 1996. Jadelle®is now approved in more than 44 countries and used by more than 3 million women worldwide.
By the end of the course you will be able to:
- Advise women and men requesting contraception and enable them to make informed choices about managing their fertility.
- Appropriately consult with and assess women who wish to use the Jadelle® implant.
- Understand the composition and pharmacokinetics of the Jadelle® implant and potential drug interactions.
- Explain the indications and contraindications, medical eligibility criteria, advantages and disadvantages, side effects and complications of Jadelle® implant use.
- Understand the mode of action and contraceptive efficacy of implants.
- Manage side effects of Jadelle® including bleeding problems.
- Describe the management of an impalpable implant.
This content was created by Dr Orna McGinn, MRCGP (UK) DRCOG DFFP FRCNZGP.
Course Content
Jadelle® : Progesterone-only implant contraception | Show activities |
Jadelle® : Progesterone-only implant contraception | |
Jadelle® : Progesterone-only implant contraception Quiz |