
About this Course
Māori are 20% more likely to get cancer and twice as likely to die from it.
In this series of presentations, cancer leaders, clinicians, researchers and Māori health experts discuss a range of issues that will help inform and guide your interactions with Māori families and whānau.
The Central Cancer Network (CCN) leads the Regional Cancer Work Program across 7 District Health Boards (Midcentral, Capital and Coast, Hutt Valley, Wairarapa, Whanganui, Hawkes Bay and Taranaki) aiming to reduce the incidence, impact and inequities in Cancer across the continuum of care and enabler areas from prevention to palliation. In the Central Region Māori are 20% more likely to get cancer and twice as likely to die from it. CCN is committed to working together with Māori to improve cancer outcomes, and to help achieve this completed a Regional Cancer Deep Dive during 2019-2020 in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders that included the following activities:
- 7 Māori Cancer Community Hui (Aug-Oct 2019)
- 4 Māori Cancer Stakeholder Hui (Nov-Dec 2019)
- 4 Māori Cancer Deep Dive Reports (Jan-Jun 2020)
Over 1,000 people attended the Community Hui and 240 stakeholders attended the Stakeholder Hui. More detailed information on the Deep Dive and the Final Reports can be found here. Included below is a selection of presentations from the Deep Dive relevant to primary and community care.
Course Content
Health equity and Māori cancer care | Show activities |
Health equity and Māori cancer care |