
30 mins
Child and youth health
Publish Date
12 February 2024
About this Course
Specific considerations for paediatric urinary tract infection management differ from UTI management in adults.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common consult in the community, and are one of the most common infections in children, although prevalence varies with age.
By the end of this course, you should have a better understanding of:
- A recommended management pathway for UTI consults for children in the community.
- The context around laboratory investigations and results.
- When to refer and how to manage recurrent UTIs in children.
This content was created by Connie Kang BPharm(Hons) and reviewed by Dr Sarah Primhak (Paediatric Infectious Diseases Consultant, Starship Hospital) and Dr Hazel Fuiava (MBChB, DipPaeds).
Course Content
Paediatric urinary tract infections | Show activities |
Paediatric urinary tract infections | |
Paeds UTI short quiz |