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EDS Difficulties: Awareness Level Update


1.5 hours
Publish Date
22 May 2021
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About this Course

This course follows: EDS Difficulties Awareness Level course.

Having had the last few months to put into practice the things you have learnt, this short course provides the opportunity to reflect on your learning over the past year and to think about where your EDS skills and knowledge can progress over the next 12 months.

Whether you've had lots of experience, a little, or none, this is your opportunity to review the course content and consider questions about your work practices.

There will be options for future learning and some references to follow for your interest. You are encouraged to take up any learning points or questions with your colleagues and/or supervisor.


How to succeed in this course

It is expected that you will spend an average of 1.5 hours on learning activities in this course.

Some modules are longer and for others, the workload is somewhat less. It is essential that you keep up with the prescribed readings and make the opportunities to discuss topics with your colleagues or supervisor.

We encourage you to attempt all activities and questions as they appear throughout the content. This will assist in reinforcing the learning objectives for that module and also help you to self-assess how you are going in each module. It will also give you an accurate point of reference when seeking help from your supervisor.

To succeed in this course, you will need to read and engage with the learning materials in each module and be prepared to ask questions and participate in discussions. This approach is designed to encourage active rather than passive learning. For effective learning of complex material, students who engage and take responsibility for their own development of knowledge and acquisition of skill tend to outperform those who remain passive or inactive.


This course provides 1.5 hours of continuing professional development. 


This content has been developed by Bianca Jackson and Speech Science at The University of Auckland. Speech Science is located within the School of Psychology, in the Faculty of Science. It was updated in 2022.

Course Content

EDS Awareness Update Show activities
EDS Awareness Update