The Northern Region Health Coordination Centre team will provide high-level information on how to support your practice, patients, and customers through the outbreak.
- COVID-19 data, current modelling and what 2022 might look like - Gary Jackson.
- How Omicron is different: Clinical discussion including symptoms, infectivity, severity etc, the difference from delta e.g. chest symptoms - Tim Cutfield.
- NSW experience: Systems, issues they have experienced, coal-face GP experience - Louise Delaney/GP (NSW) and Walid Jammal/GP (Western Sydney)
- Omicron Self-service Model -Pauline Horrill.
- Primary care case management: How to manage the patient journey including likely changes with time, re-testing, and bubble management - Christine McIntosh.
- Vaccinations: The immunisation of 5 to 11-year-olds, booster doses, what’s next for vaccinations (e.g. Pfizer working on another vaccine) - Nikki Turner.
- Pharmacy response: Daniel Tsai, Programme Manager – Community Pharmacy, NRHCC.
- Health care worker: contact and case management - Doone Winnard.
- Workplace resilience: how to prepare your practice for screening, streaming and triaging, COVID and BAU, workplace exposure, RAT tests - Daniel Calder.