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Smoking cessation



1 hour
Smoking, alcohol, and drug misuse
Publish Date
08 August 2018
01 03 June 2022
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About this Course

Outlining the ABC model for assessment and management in the form of behavioural support and pharmacological smoking cessation aids.

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable morbidity, mortality and health inequities in New Zealand. With an estimated 4,500-5,000 deaths attributed to smoking every year, it is responsible for the premature death of half of its long-term users and is a significant cause of cancer, respiratory and heart disease.

Smoking rates have been decreasing over time as more people have been successful in their attempts to quit. In the 2018-19 NZ health survey update, 14.2% of adults were current smokers. This was down from 18.2% in 2011/12. However, rates remain unacceptably high amongst Māori (34%), Pacific people (24.4%) and adults living in the most socioeconomically deprived areas.


This quiz was written by Professor Ross McCormick and Dr Peter Martin (The Quit Group) and updated by Dr Grace Lee, FRNZCGP, MBCHB, BSc, DipTravMed.

Course Content

Smoking Cessation Show activities
Smoking cessation
Smoking Cessation quiz