In this episode, Rajan Patel discusses the critical red flags associated with neck lumps in adults. He covers when an urgent referral is necessary and what patients can expect during their visit to a neck surgeon for a red flag neck lump.
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Rajan qualified as Consultant Head and Neck Surgeon in 2005. He was awarded Doctor of Medicine (MD) Diploma by the University of Glasgow for his research efforts in 2005. Thereafter he completed three years of Fellowship training in Head & Neck Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery in Toronto and Sydney.
He was appointed Consultant Surgeon at Auckland City Hospital in 2009 and is a Surgeon at MercyAscot Head and Neck Service.
Rajan‘s clinical expertise includes surgical management of thyroid gland nodules, salivary gland tumours, neck lumps, head and neck cancers (including larynx, pharynx and oral cavity) and facial skin cancer and melanoma, and tissue reconstruction.
Rajan has published more than 40 articles in scientific journals and written several book chapters on head and neck surgery. He is part of the MercyAscot Head & Neck Service team.