Dr Andrew Williams, a consultant urologist at Auckland and Counties Manukau District Health Boards will discuss how we can manage common urological presentations seen in primary care, focusing on the following:
- PSA testing should be used to risk stratify men and is not a diagnostic test.
- Who should be referred for further investigation for prostate cancer?
- Prostate cancer is a widely varying disease with many different biological behaviours.
- Men with urinary symptoms can be managed through a standard systematic approach.
- Managing recurrent UTI’s with a standard simplified approach.
- New options available for patients with recurrent UTI’s.
- Experiences of men with prostate cancer - David Kuhl Podcast
- Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand

Dr Andrew Williams
BMedSc, MBChB, FRACS (Urol)
Andrew trained in New Zealand before completing a formal 2-year fellowship at The University of Western Ontario, one of only 15 centres in the world accredited for subspecialty training in Urological Oncology.
He has received numerous awards, attained nearly a quarter of a million dollars in research grants and published over 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals. Andrew has also published several book chapters and review articles on the management of both benign prostatic hypertrophy and urological cancers and is a reviewer for numerous international journals including the Journal Of Urology and European Urology.
Andrew works as a Consultant urologist at Auckland District Health Board and Counties Manukau District Health Board. He is a member of the Ministry of Health Prostate Cancer Workforce and Medical Advisor for the Prostate Cancer Foundation and Testicular Cancer NZ. He has previously chaired the NZ Board of Urology and is currently is an examiner for the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.
Special interests:
- urological oncology
- robotic Surgery
- laparoscopic nephrectomy and partial nephrectomy
- radical cystectomy with and without neobladder formation.
- laser prostatectomy
- general urology - including ureteroscopy and ESWL.
Andrew consults at OnesixOne, Pukekohe Family Health Centre, Ormiston Specialists and EastCare Specialist Centre.