This webinar will provide prescribers with an update on the current medication landscape for ADHD, including which treatments are currently funded and available. We will also discuss the steps Pharmac is taking to address the ongoing situation with medication availability.
Key topics:
- Guidance on transitioning patients from one brand or form of methylphenidate to another, or to alternative treatments for ADHD or narcolepsy.
- The role of treatment holidays and other potential options where clinically appropriate.
- How to prioritise patient groups for prescribing the available methylphenidate.
- Identifying when specialist clinical advice is necessary to ensure optimal care for patients.
As always, we will answer as many questions as possible during this session.

David Codrye
MBChB (1980), FRANZCP (1989)
Consultant Psychiatrist/Clinical Director Mental Health, Tamaki Health
Clinical Director, Tū Whakaruruhau (Auckland Wellbeing Collaborative)
David is a psychiatrist with 35 years of experience working in the community and primary mental health sector in New Zealand in a range of clinical and leadership roles. Since 2012, David has been Clinical Director of Wellness Support with Tamaki Health, a network of clinics providing team-based primary care services to populations in high-needs areas of Auckland, NZ.
He is currently seconded half-time as Clinical Director of Tū Whakaruruhau (the Auckland Wellbeing Collaborative), supporting the implementation of the “Access and Choice” IPMHA programme, integrating HIPs, Health Coaches, and NGO support into all GP clinics in Auckland.
David is also Lead Psychiatrist to Whakarongorau, the National Telehealth Service – the home of 1737 “Need to Talk”, the Depression Helpline, Drug/Alcohol Helpline, and Gambling Helpline