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Rheumatic fever and follow up in children and adults

In this webinar, our panel will cover a range of topics relating to rheumatic fever in the community and how to manage children and adults using case examples where relevant. Topics to be covered include:

  •     New incidental murmur in a Pacific child.
  •     Monoarthritis and atypical arthritis.
  •     RhF in Pregnancy.
  •     Cardiac presentations of RhF/RHD.
  •     Recurrent ARF in an 18 yr old.
  •     What to monitor after BPG has been discontinued.


Our expert panel are:

  • Rachel Webb, Paediatric Infectious Diseases Specialist, Starship Child Health and KidzFirst, Counties Manukau
  • Nigel Wilson, Paediatric Cardiologist, Starship Child Health
  • Simon Briggs, Infectious Diseases Specialist/General Physician, Auckland City Hospital
  • Belinda Paku, Rheumatic fever community nurse, Counties Manukau