Elevated serum ferritin is a common incidental finding in primary care. This MedCase provides an overview of investigations and management.
Mike is a 63-year-old patient presenting to his primary care clinician for a routine prescription review.
His long-term medications include allopurinol, atorvastatin, empagliflozin, metformin and candesartan.
He mentions he has had some vague tummy pain and diarrhoea over the last 3 months. As part of your work-up, you check his blood count and ferritin to ensure there is no underlying iron deficiency anaemia in the context of his bowel symptoms. BMI is 31 with waist circumference of 124 cm and BP 154/92.
His complete blood count is unremarkable; however, serum ferritin is elevated at 643 µg/L (reference 20-450 µg/L). His faecal PCR is positive for giardia, which you treat.
You note his HbA1c is slightly higher than previously at 58, and uric acid is 0.44 mmol/L. eGFR and urine ACR are unremarkable.
About ferritin
Ferritin, the body's primary iron storage protein, is synthesized by the liver and regulated by the hormone hepcidin. It holds 10-20% of the body's total iron and also functions as an acute-phase reactant, serving as a marker of inflammation.1
Alcohol consumption and fatty liver disease are the most common causes of elevated serum ferritin (SF). Damaged hepatocytes leak ferritin into the serum.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is now termed metabolic dysfunction associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD). This new term emphasises the key metabolic factors of insulin resistance, vascular dysfunction, dyslipidaemia and obesity and minimises stigma associated with the term ‘fatty’. MASLD is the most common liver disorder worldwide, affecting approximately 25% of the population.2
Studies have demonstrated a link between alcohol consumption and elevated serum ferritin. Daily consumption of 2 or more standard units of alcohol may contribute to elevated SF. Repeating full iron studies after a period of abstinence may provide diagnostic clarification.
Hereditary haemochromatosis (HH) and genetic iron-loading conditions are responsible for elevated SF in a minority of cases. HH is an autosomal recessive condition due to hepcidin deficiency, causing disruption of iron homeostasis, resulting in iron overload. Only 15% of patients with HH develop iron overload. End organ damage is associated with SF levels raised persistently above 1000 µg/L. This results in iron deposition in the liver, pancreas, heart, endocrine glands, skin and joints.
Identification of this patient group with institution of regular venesection reduces the risk of end organ damage.2 Symptoms are insidious, often resulting in delayed diagnosis.
Interpreting investigations
In the presence of an initial raised SF level repeat iron studies should be performed. Patients should be advised to defer repeat testing until after any acute illnesses have resolved.
The key laboratory investigations in the evaluation of body iron stores are:
- Serum ferritin: this may be elevated due to increased hepatic iron stores or other non-specific causes.
- Transferrin saturation: transferrin binds iron. The transferrin saturation measures the percentage of available iron-binding sites on transferrin that are occupied by iron.
Further investigations are directed by clinical history and consideration of differential diagnosis. These may include HbA1c, creatinine, complete blood count, liver function tests, lipid studies and CRP.
Note: Former guidelines advocated morning fasting iron studies. Evidence suggests that diurnal variation is not statistically significant.
Differential diagnosis
Acute illness
- Delay and repeat investigations after illness has resolved
- Investigation: CRP.
Exogenous iron supplementation
- Iron supplementation/infusion, blood transfusion
- History including over-the-counter supplements/alternative medicines
- Investigation: Repeat iron studies after withholding supplementation for a few days.
Metabolic dysfunction
- MASLD/NAFLD, metabolic syndrome, obesity, type II diabetes
- Elevated BMI, hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance
- Investigation: Lipid studies, HbA1c.
Alcohol consumption
- History and quantification
- Investigation: CBC, LFT with AST, coagulation studies, albumin.
Other causes of liver disease
- Viral hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis
- Hepatomegaly, features of cirrhosis on examination, history of autoimmune disease
- Investigation: CBC, LFT with AST, coagulation studies, albumin, liver autoantibodies, directed viral serology, abdominal ultrasound.
Inflammatory conditions and chronic infection
- Autoimmune and inflammatory disease
- Investigation: CRP and serology as appropriate.
- Investigation: Targeted investigation, ensure screening is up to date.
Some anaemias with ineffective erythropoiesis
- Consider myelodysplastic syndrome
- Consider B12 and folate deficiency
- Consider a congenital haemolytic anaemia
- Investigation: CBC, blood film, reticulocyte count
- Signs and symptoms of iron overload, family history
- Investigation: HFE genotype.
Diagnostic steps
Diagnostic steps1,3 include:
Initial clinical assessment
Clinical history:
- Assess alcohol consumption, risk factors for liver disease, acute illness, and red flags for malignancy, including ensuring screening is up to date.
- Check over-the-counter medicine and supplement use, including whether iron supplements have been taken within the last month.
Clinical examination:
- Looking for signs of chronic liver disease, metabolic risk, inflammatory conditions, iron overload, infection and malignancy.
Assess for iron overload
- Repeat iron studies, including ferritin and transferrin saturation, after any acute illness has resolved.
- Borderline transferrin saturation levels should be repeated.
Assess for serious underlying disease
- Investigations should be directed based on clinical history and examination.
- Core investigations include CBC, CRP, LFT, HbA1c, creatinine and lipids.
- Consider other investigations according to likelihood of differential diagnosis.
Consider iron overload if transferrin saturation remains ≥ 45%
- HFE genotyping should be considered if transferrin saturation remains ≥ 45%.
- Haematology advice should be sought if the HFE genotype is inconsistent with HH and blood results are suggestive of iron overload.
Identify high-risk groups
- Patients with persisting ferritin > 1000 μg/L should be referred for gastroenterology assessment depending on local health pathways.
- Paediatric advice should be sought for persisting elevated SF in children. Juvenile haemochromatosis is a rare condition caused by mutations in genes other than HFE.
You arrange for Mike to return for review and further discussion.
He is an avid hunter, and his diarrhoea has resolved with treatment for giardia.
He had a bit of a cold the week he did the blood tests.
On further questioning, he has had gout twice over the last year, which he self-treated with diclofenac.
You check in on alcohol consumption. He enjoys having a few drinks at the weekends when catching up with mates. You calculate he is drinking around 18 standard units per week.
He is compliant with his medications, although admits his diet has slipped a bit recently.
You note on previous LFT a year before his ALT was mildly elevated at 76 U/L (reference <45 U/L).
His HBsAg and hepatitis C antibodies are negative.
His repeat BP today is 148/94.
Other than hypertension, gout and type 2 diabetes Mike is otherwise well.
You review his family history. There is no family history of malignancy, blood disorders, haemochromatosis or iron overload.
He is an ex-smoker (quit 15 years ago, 20 pack years) with no recreational substance use.
His energy has been good.
You conduct a brief systems review, ensuring there is no unexplained weight loss, fevers, night sweats, pain or cough.
Cardiorespiratory and abdominal examination is unremarkable, and there is no regional lymphadenopathy.
What next?
You arrange repeat blood tests to be done when he is well, including:
- serum ferritin
- transferrin saturation
- LFT including AST
- lipids.
Metabolic management
Metabolic conditions should be actively managed, including:
- hypertension
- hyperuricaemia
- hyperlipidaemia
- diabetes.
Lifestyle changes should be supported including smoking and alcohol cessation, dietary advice, weight loss and encouraging physical activity. A modest 5-10% weight loss may be beneficial.
Physical activity in the absence of weight loss has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity.
Lifestyle modification support should be considered including green prescription and multidisciplinary comprehensive primary care team support.
If MASLD is suspected, the NAFLD fibrosis score or FIB4 should be calculated to stratify the risk and determine the need for further assessment. Note that these algorithms both require AST, which will need to be specifically requested.
Refer to local health pathways for MASLD monitoring, imaging and referral thresholds.
The repeat ferritin is slightly improved at 540 µg/L. Transferrin saturation is 42%.
CRP is normal.
AST and ALT are mildly elevated at 54 and 72 U/L respectively.
You suspect a non-HH metabolic cause for his elevated ferritin. The normal transferrin saturation suggests a genetic cause of iron overload is unlikely.
You discuss optimising his diabetes, cholesterol, gout and hypertension for his overall health and wellbeing.
You suggest adjusting his allopurinol, candesartan, atorvastatin and metformin and set appropriate targets.
During the consult, you calculated his NAFLD fibrosis score as -0.19 points (indeterminate).
Using the NAFLD score as a discussion tool, brief advice regarding alcohol is given. You set a recall for repeating ferritin and transferrin saturation, HbA1c, uric acid, lipids and LFT for 6 months.
You discuss your local comprehensive primary care team (CPCT) program, which incorporates a dietician-led health coaching program.
You ask Mike to return for review in 3 months before his next prescription is due to see how he is doing.
Iron overload
Iron overload should be suspected if significant inflammation has been excluded, with a persistent raised ferritin (reference intervals vary with age and sex, some international reference intervals are inappropriately low for the NZ population) and transferrin saturation (≥ 45%) levels.
Hereditary haemochromatosis (HH)
1 in 200 people of Caucasian descent are homozygous for the C282Y mutation. The prevalence of risk alleles in Māori is unknown.
Of all the HFE genotypes, it is primarily C282Y homozygotes who have a high risk of iron overload.
Compound heterozygous C282/H63D have a slightly increased risk of iron overload, but most compound heterozygotes with elevated ferritin have an additional cause, such as fatty liver disease.
Males are more likely to develop iron overload.
Further details on inheritance patterns and penetrance are available in the bpacnz article, Identifying and managing hereditary haemochromatosis in adults.
Interpreting HFE genotype results
Homozygous C82Y/C282Y: Confirms hereditary haemochromatosis (HH) and is likely to be a primary cause of elevated SF.
Compound heterozygous C282Y/H63D: HH is likely to be a significant cause but look for contributing factors.
All other HFE genotypes: Not associated with genetic iron overload.
Symptoms and signs
These are insidious and non-specific and include:
- fatigue (can occur early)
- joint pain (can occur early)
- chronic liver disease sometimes progressing to cirrhosis and carcinoma
- recent studies have shown a mild increase in the prevalence of diabetes, whereas skin hyperpigmentation, hypogonadism, and cardiomyopathy were not increased compared to control populations.
Therapeutic venesection should be arranged according to local health pathway processes if the patient meets the following criteria:
- genotype either homozygous C282Y/C282Y or compound heterozygous C282Y/H63D
- venesection guidelines current vary across the country
- elevated ferritin (a specific cut-off is poorly defined in guidelines)
- patients with a very high transferrin saturation and/or symptoms may benefit from venesection at lower ferritin levels
- other causes of elevated SF have been excluded or actively managed
- patient age ≥ 16 years.
Individuals with HH are at increased risk of liver disease, which may cause fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
- All patients with confirmed HH and ferritin > 1000 ug/L should be referred for gastroenterology assessment.
- Gastroenterology advice for persistently abnormal LFT in patients with confirmed HH should be sought.
- Liver health should be optimised for all HH patients.
- Care should be taken when prescribing hepatotoxic medications, including NSAIDS and antibiotics. Consider a clinical pharmacist medication review.
- Clinicians should ensure patients with HH are vaccinated against hepatitis B and A.
- Patients with HH and cirrhosis should be monitored for development of HCC. A plan for monitoring should be formulated in conjunction with a specialist gastroenterologist.
Patient education
HH is a manageable lifelong condition requiring monitoring and maintenance venesection to remove iron and complications of iron overload.
Patients should be advised to:
- Minimise alcohol intake.
- Avoid alternative/herbal remedies.
- Avoid supplements, including iron supplementation and high-dose vitamin C supplements.
- Minimise red meat, offal and fortified products.
- Avoid raw seafood (increased risk of severe Vibrio vulnificus infection).
Family screening and testing
Family screening is advised for first-degree relatives of C282Y homozygotes aged ≥ 18 years. Full iron studies are the preferred test.
HFE genotype testing is indicated if:
- transferrin saturation ≥ 45%, or
- ferritin ≥ 200 ug/L in women or ≥ 300 ug/L in men.
In relatives aged < 30 years with normal iron studies, consider repeating the iron studies between ages 30 and 40 years to exclude later development of iron overload.
HFE genetic testing of children in affected families is seldom indicated until they are aged ≥ 18 years, as significant iron overload from HH seldom occurs until adulthood.
Practice points
- Elevated serum ferritin (SF) is a common non-specific incidental finding in primary care.
- Chronic alcohol consumption, metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, malignancy, infection, and inflammatory conditions account for 90% of SF elevation cases.
- Initial tests for investigating raised ferritin in primary care include a repeat ferritin and full iron studies (iron, transferrin saturation), HbA1c, creatinine, complete blood count, liver function tests, lipid studies and C reactive protein (CRP).
- Investigations should be targeted according to the suspected underlying cause.
- Hereditary haemochromatosis (HH) and genetic iron-loading conditions are responsible for elevated SF in a minority of cases.
- Patients with persisting ferritin > 1000 μg/L should be referred for gastroenterology assessment.
This MedCase was created Dr Danuta Amelung, BHB, MbChB, FRNZCGP, AFRACMA, Dip. Paed, PGCertWHlth, PGDipTrvMed with expert review by Dr Ian Morison, Haematologist.
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