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Maternal immunisation

Amber Young and Esther Willing discuss protecting babies through immunisation of hapū māmā in pregnancy and in the newborn period in Aotearoa New Zealand.


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Esther Willing

Associate Professor

Dr Esther Willing (Ngāti Toarangatira, Ngāti Koata, Ngā Ruahine) is an Associate Professor in Hauora Māori and the Director of Kōhatu Centre for Hauora Māori. Her research interests include health policy and health systems research and she is passionate about improving Māori health outcomes and addressing health inequities in Aotearoa.


Amber Young


Dr Amber Young is a pharmacist and an emerging researcher with whakapapa to Taranaki iwi. Her research interests include immunisation coverage in hapū māmā and pēpi, Māori health, health equity, and quality use of medicines. Dr Young studied pharmacy at the University of Otago and worked in community and hospital pharmacy practice and at the British and New Zealand National Formularies for many years. In 2016 she returned to Otago to complete her PhD at the School of Pharmacy, investigating the provision of medicines information to patients and how this could be improved. Following this, Dr Young was awarded the HRC Career Development Award, to investigate immunisation inequity in pregnancy at Kōhatu, the Centre for Hauora Māori. Dr Young’s other current research projects include optimising information resources for whānau of pēpi undergoing Retinopathy of prematurity eye examinations and primary-care interventions to improve asthma control in tamariki across Aotearoa. 

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The Goodfellow Unit podcast is funded in part by the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners.