Moderator Guidelines
As a moderator, you play an incredibly significant role in the success of this event. We have put together this guide to help you prepare for the Symposium.
Setting up the session
Your role will be to:
- Introduce the speaker and their presentation and outline to the audience how questions will be handled.
- Remind the audience of how to submit questions for the Q&A discussion (if appropriate).
- Prepare some questions yourself just in case.
- Thank the speaker and close the session.
Keeping session to time:
Sessions must finish within the 50 minutes allocated. Presenters have been allocated 35 minutes for their presentations so please ensure that the Q&A sessions are completed within the 15-minute allocation.
If the session finishes early, the next session will still start at the designated time.
When facilitating the Q&A session, try to keep the following in mind: “practice changing” or “practice maintaining” under the banner of “Skills for next Monday”
Remember, all views and opinions are those of our expert speakers and not those of the Goodfellow unit.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Symposium Managers
The Conference Company Ltd
Telephone (NZ): + 64 9 360 1240
E-mail: [email protected]