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ADHD update: Assessment, management, and care pathways

As the landscape of ADHD management changes in NZ, this online webinar event will provide an in-depth exploration of ADHD care, from initial assessment to long-term management.

Participants will gain insights from experts on diagnostic processes, non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatments, and strategies for initiating and adjusting medications.

Special sessions will address unique circumstances across the lifespan and dual diagnosis considerations.

The webinar includes practical guidance on navigating mental health systems, along with interactive discussions and case-based learning to equip clinicians with essential tools for effective ADHD management. 

By registering, you will receive the full video of the day.

Price: $320, including GST


9.00 Welcome

Aetiology and Course

Gain insights into the developmental pathways and factors that influence ADHD in adults.

David Codyre
9.25 5 min Break

Assessment and Diagnosis

Learn how to accurately assess and diagnose ADHD.

David Codyre


Your chance to have your questions answered by David.

10.00 10 min Break

Management Strategies

Discover a range of non-pharmacological approaches to managing ADHD in adults.

Anna Elders
10.40 5 min Break


In-depth guidance on initiating medications

Anand Murthur


Titrating and adjusting medications to optimise patient outcomes.

Anand Murthur
11.25 5 min Break

Managing Comorbidities

Explore strategies for managing ADHD alongside common comorbid conditions like mental health issues and addiction.

Anand Murthur
11.50 5 min Break


Your chance to have your questions answered by Anna and Anand.

12.15 30 min Lunch Break

Transition from Paediatric to Adult Care

Understand the complexities of transitioning ADHD care from paediatric to adult services, ensuring continuity of care.

Colette Muir
1.05 5 min Break

Perinatal, Perimenopause, and Breastfeeding

Special considerations for managing ADHD in women during key life stages.

Zubeida Mahomedy
1.30 5 min Break

Getting Help

Learn how to effectively navigate ADHD care within the health system, including consultation and referral options to specialist mental health services, private psychiatrists, and specialised ADHD clinics.


Robert Marchl



Your chance to have your questions answered by Colette, Zubeida and Robert.

2.15 Wrap up


Recognition of Learning Activities

The ADHD update: Assessment, management, and care pathways webinar day has been endorsed by The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) and approved for up to 4 hours CME credits for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) purposes. RNZCGP Fellows are to receive double credits for attending this session.



David Codyre

Consultant Psychiatrist

MBChB (1980), FRANZCP (1989)
Consultant Psychiatrist/Clinical Director Mental Health, Tamaki Health
Clinical Director, Tū Whakaruruhau (Auckland Wellbeing Collaborative)

David is a psychiatrist with 35 years of experience working in the community and primary mental health sector in New Zealand in a range of clinical and leadership roles. Since 2012, David has been Clinical Director of Wellness Support with Tamaki Health, a network of clinics providing team-based primary care services to populations in high-needs areas of Auckland, NZ. 

He is currently seconded half-time as Clinical Director of Tū Whakaruruhau (the Auckland Wellbeing Collaborative), supporting the implementation of the “Access and Choice” IPMHA programme, integrating HIPs, Health Coaches, and NGO support into all GP clinics in Auckland. 

David is also Lead Psychiatrist to Whakarongorau, the National Telehealth Service – the home of 1737 “Need to Talk”, the Depression Helpline, Drug/Alcohol Helpline, and Gambling Helpline.


Anna Elders

Mental health Nurse Practitioner and Cognitive Behavioural Therapist

Anna has been supporting clients with a lived experience of trauma for twenty years in a variety of roles within forensic, inpatient, child and adolescent, primary care and trauma-focused mental health services.

Anna became interested in the concept of trauma-informed care on her return home to New Zealand and began incorporating it into her teaching at the University of Auckland and within a national training programme, she became involved in focused on reducing seclusion and restraint use within inpatient units. She works in practice for Tamaki Health PHO and is the clinical lead for the free online eCBT tool, Just a Thought.


Anand Muthur

Medical Lead, Adult Community Mental Health Services

Dr Muthur Anand has over 25 years of clinical, administrative and teaching experience working primarily in the area of Adult Psychiatry in New Zealand and Australia. He has previously worked in New Zealand in administrative/management positions which include Clinical Head, Acute Adult Inpatient Services at Counties Manukau DHB, Service Clinical Director at Waitemata DHB as well as DAMHS (Director of Area Mental Health Services) at Counties Manukau DHB. He worked in Australia for around 5  years (2016 to 2021) as the Clinical Lead of a busy Acute Inpatient Unit & Acute Care Team at Gold Coast University Hospital.

Until recently, he was the Medical Lead, Adult Community Mental Health Services & one of the Director of Area Mental Health Services Delegates at Te Toka Tumai Auckland, Te Whatu Ora (Health New Zealand). He is currently the Clinical Director Adult Acute Mental Health Unit and ED, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia.

Dr Anand has been an Honorary Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychological Medicine, University of Auckland for over 15 years. He is a frequent presenter at the RANZCP annual conferences. He  is a Bi-national committee member of the Bi-national Faculty of Adult Psychiatry, Royal Australian & NZ College of Psychiatrists. He is also a member of the Bi-national Assessment Panel, RANZCP for assessments of applications of overseas trained psychiatrists for specialist pathway to FRANZCP.

His areas of interest are Mindfulness, ADHD, Personality Disorders and PTSD.


Colette Muir

Developmental Paediatrician

Colette is a developmental paediatrician who works at starship hospital at Auckland DHB and also at the Kauri Centre. She trained in Auckland and then completed her developmental paediatric fellowship at the Mater Hospital in Brisbane.


Zubeida Mahomedy

Registered Psychiatrist

Dr Zubeida Mahomedy qualified in South Africa as a psychiatrist in 2005 with affiliate membership of the RANZCP and vocational registration with the MCNZ since 2017. She has almost 20 years of experience working in the field of mental health and is an Adult Psychiatrist working with individuals aged 16 years and older. She has additional training and qualifications in ADHD and Addiction with special interests in Eating Disorders, Anxiety and Mood Disorders, Perinatal Mental Health and Psychopharmacology.

Since her qualification as a psychiatrist Dr Mahomedy has taken an active role in training and supervision of colleagues, registrars and students. With her immigration to New Zealand this has continued with a close relationship with the University of Auckland. In South Africa she has worked in both inpatient and outpatient psychiatry and was the Consultant Psychiatrist to the flagship Bariatric Centre of Excellence and the Substance Use Disorder Treatment Centre at a large psychiatric facility in Johannesburg.

In New Zealand Dr Mahomedy has worked in community adult psychiatry teams, maternal mental health, acute services, integrated locality care and was the Clinical Head (Acute and Inpatient Mental Health Services) at Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau before moving into full time private practice. She is passionate about mental health and destigmatisation of mental illness and has promoted this with movie festivals and theatre productions over the years.


Robert Marchl

Consultant Psychiatrist

Robert trained as a Medical Doctor and specialised as a Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist in Germany, and has been working as a Consultant Psychiatrist since 2006. He has extensive training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Systemic Therapy, and Dialectic Behavioural Therapy.

Since arriving in New Zealand with his family in 2013 he has been working at Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau in Adult Community settings, but gained extensive experience treating children and adolescents with ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders working for the Children team at Counties Manukau Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

Many GPs will have had direct contact with Robert, as he has been intensively engaged in improving the Integration of Secondary Mental Health Services with Primary Health Care Providers over the past eleven years, and continues to provide direct support to GPs and Practice Nurses through regular case discussion meetings and availability for complex case discussions.

Over the past seven years he has been working in senior leadership roles, and continues to support Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau as the Clinical Leader for Integration and leading the Referral Management Service.