Buzz's discussion on chronic pain is seen through the lenses of both a GP and a specialist pain medicine physician.
He looks at the neurobiology of chronic pain, what a GP can do, what should help, and what doesn’t help. Opioids, opioid-induced hyperalgesia and endocrinopathy, and cannabis use will be explored.
Most importantly there’ll be a Q and A session where any question no matter how challenging is warmly invited.
- Retrain Pain - delivers high quality information about pain for patients and healthcare professionals.

Buzz Burrell
Buzz graduated in London then completed general physician training in the UK before emigrating to New Zealand as a respiratory research fellow and lecturer for the University of Otago.
The excitement of rural hospital medicine and primary care saw a one-year sabbatical mature into eight years at Reefton on the West Coast, and occasionally the Chatham Islands, and then remote rural hospital and general practice in the Pilbara of Western Australia.
Unexpected achievements include - Lecturer of the Year in Dunedin in 1993 and runner-up New Zealander of the Year in 1997.
Buzz established a semi-rural General Practice in Renwick near Blenheim, was a GP Special interest in chronic pain in Nelson, and was a Regional Coordinator and senior lecturer for the University of Otago Rural Medical Immersion Programme until recently.
He has just about completed training as a pain medicine specialist in Auckland and now works part-time as an SMO for the Auckland Regional Pain Service.
He is a very slow ocean swimmer, a Harley rider, and has been known to socially enjoy a glass of Shiraz – (not all at the same time).