RED-s is a term we are all hearing more about now.
RED-s or the athlete triad will be explained.
We cover why it's important to make this diagnosis, how to diagnose and management tips will be covered.
The importance of the multidisciplinary team will be highlighted and the value added by a dietitian with specialised knowledge in this area.
- No period now what? N Rinaldi, S Buckler, L Sanfilippo Waddell
- WHISPA High Performance Sport New Zealand
- Mary Cain & RED-S: When Weight Loss Affects Performance The Real Science of Sport Podcast
- Katie Schofield blog PhD that specializes in Low Energy Availability (LEA) and Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S)
- IOC and Triad resources International Olympic Committee

Megan Ogilvie
Megan is a general and reproductive endocrinologist with particular interests in energy deficiency in the athlete, menopause, polycystic ovarian syndrome and gonadal dysgenesis. She works at Fertility Associates and the Auckland District Health Board. Megan has been part of WHISPA , a High Performance Sport NZ medial advisory board since 2017.

Dane Baker
Dane is a Performance Dietitian, who has worked extensively with New Zealand's elite athletes and teams (currently Blues Super Rugby & NZ Football). He’s also a part of WHISPA, a specialist group dedicated to optimising female health and performance. In addition to sport Dane specialises in working with patients suffering from RED-S, fertility issues, osteoarthritis and diabetes.
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