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Mothers on the brink: The joy, the pain, the madness

Mothers on the brink: The joy, the pain, the madness

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Motherhood is often portrayed as a time of joy and fulfilment, yet many mothers silently grapple with complex emotions that can overshadow this experience. Maternal mental health encompasses a range of challenges, from prenatal anxiety to postpartum depression, affecting not only the well-being of mothers but also the health and development of their children and families.  

Join us for an insightful exploration into the often-unspoken realities of maternal mental health and the systemic challenges faced by our families. This presentation will shed light on the signs, causes, and impacts of maternal mental health issues while discussing effective strategies for support and intervention. Health professionals across disciplines play a crucial role in supporting mothers and pepi; together, let's break the stigma and empower mothers on their journey toward healing and resilience.