PhD, MBChB, PGDip Musmed, MMGT, PG Dip Businfo, FAFMM, FRNZCGP
Dr Giresh Kanji is a Musculoskeletal Pain Specialist at Mercy Specialist Centre in Auckland. He explored the sensory amplification of pain in his PhD including the role of the human stress response and migraine genetics He has presented in NZ, Australia, Asia, Tahiti, USA and Europe.
He is an honorary Associate Professor at Auckland University. He is passionate about education to improve people’s health. He is the author of “Fix Your Back”, “Fix Your Neck Pain, Headache and Migraine”, “Brain Connections: How to sleep better, worry less and feel happier”. With colleagues at Auckland University, he has released the phone app Painguru, a “video book” on lower back pain. He is currently writing a new book on sleep.